Consulta de Guías Docentes

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

442 - Degree in Odontology

29347 - Orofacial Pain

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
29347 - Orofacial Pain
Faculty / School:
229 - Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud y del Deporte
442 - Degree in Odontology
Second semester
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

The learning process designed for this course follows an orderly step-wise process, so that the course starts with the study of basic and integration concepts which are mainly worked through lectures, then it introduces the student to develop skills involving procedural, integration and understanding skills of the applications of the subject to be worked through various activities in small groups in practical sessions.


To better track the learning process students will be encouraged to use the tutoring/office hours through various systems and methods: conventional tutoring or more specific assistance related to practical work.


Communications, announcements, and supplementary materials will be provided via Moodle in the Anillo Digital Docente (intranet ADD).

5.2. Learning tasks

Participatory lectures: basic concepts of the subject are showed, directing students towards the acquisition of skills and learning outcomes. Audiovisual support material will be used and students could find it in the intranet ADD. During these activities, students will be encouraged to be participatory and dynamic. This activity occupies 4 ECTS, 40 hours in the lecture room.


Practical sessions occupying 2 ECTS, 20 hours spread over six sessions of 2 hours including:


a) Seminars

b) Clinical Cases

c) Clinical Practice


Tutorials: both individual and grouped, for guidance in the teaching-learning of the subject.


Personal Study: From all other activities, students should be responsible for creating diagrams and structured work programs.

5.3. Syllabus

Lecture topics


1. The Neural Anatomy of Orofacial Pain

2. The Neurophysiology of Orofacial Pain: Nociceptors

3. The Central Processing of Orofacial Pain: Pain processing in brainstem

4. The Central Processing of Orofacial Pain: Pain processing at the Supraspinal Level.

5. Physiopathology of inflammation and its relation to nociception

6. Neurogenic inflammation

7. Pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment in orofacial pain.

8. The Various Clinical Presentations of Pain

9. Principles of Pain Diagnosis

10. Background: Orofacial pain in dental practice.

11. Category Classification of Oral and Facial Pain.

12. Cutaneous, Mucogingival and dental Pains.

13. Musculoskeletal Pains. Introduction to Temporomandibular Disorders.

14. The Etiopathology of temporomandibular disorders.

15. The interdisciplinary treatment of temporomandibular disorders.

16. Visceral Pains

17. Vascular and Neurovascular Pains.

18. Neuropathic Pains

5.4. Course planning and calendar

The theoretical lectures will begin the first day of class assigned to the theoretical teaching of the subject. In this first day of class it will also be communicated practices, seminars dates and tutored project deadline, according to the academic calendar. Those dates will be posted on the official Faculty or Departmental notice boards.

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

  • Okeson, Jeffrey P.. Dolor orofacial según Bell : tratamiento clínico del dolor orofacial / Jeffrey P. Okeson . 6a ed Barcelona [etc.] : Quintessence, 2008 (BB)
  • Orofacial pain : guidelines for assessment, diagnosis, and management / Reny de Leeuw, editor. . 4th ed. Chicago : Quintessence, 2008. (BB)
  • Bascones Martínez, Antonio. Dolor orofacial : diagnóstico y tratamiento / Antonio Bascones Martínez, Francisco J. Manso Platero. . - 1a ed. Madrid : Avances médico-dentales, 1997. (BC)
  • Norton, Neil S.. Netter, Anatomía de cabeza y cuello para odontólogos/ Neil S. Norton ; ilustraciones de Frank H. Netter ; ilustradores, Kip Carter ... [et al.]. Ámsterdam ; Barcelona [etc.] : Elsevier Masson, 2007. (BC)
  • Orofacial pain : from basic science to clinical management : the transfer of knowledge in pain research to education / edited by James P. Lund ... [et al.] Chicago : Quintessence, 2001 (BB)
  • García-Fajardo Palacios, Carlos. Dolor odonto estomatológico / Carlos García-Fajardo Palacios [Madrid : Riapano, 2007] (BC)